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3:24 PM

Top 10 Outdoor Photoshoot Locations in Singapore

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This post has been shifted to: you for visiting! _______________________________ This Blogpost is written & copyrighted by Sgcloudproductions , Thank you for spending time reading...
9:23 AM

8 Creative & Essential Wedding Detailed Shots You'll Need!

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Apart from Gatecrashing, there are many more creative detailed shot you will never want to give it a miss on your wedding actual day!Here are the top 8 on the list: (ONE)Those makeup and behind-the-scene shot (TWO)The dressing and dressed up shot (THREE)The Wedding Ring on your finger Shot (FOUR)The...
8:00 AM

8 Tips for Taking Stunning Photos of Cats

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Taking photographs of pets can sometimes be as challenging as shooting children to most people. They moved quickly in seconds and you'll never know what is their next move. But with a few simple tricks and camera settings to keep in mind, it's not impossible to capture amazing, professional looking...
3:20 PM


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8 AWESOME DIYFOOD PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS  1. GET THE RIGHT STYLE Finding the right style is important in food photography. Your photoshoot style might be as simple as putting a plate of salad with a wooden table as a background, or if you are a prop-aholic you might just throw everything around...
3:17 AM

Basic Photo Editing Tips for Beginners!

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We've some clients who are really curious and eager to know more about the difference of our postprocessed images and the non. Today we're not only showing you difference of the edited photos and the non, but we're sharing with you TOP FIVE TIPS for editing your photos: There are plenty...
9:57 PM

Photoshop Fundamentals: Changing an Image’s Resolution and Size

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Understanding Resolution One of the things that can be the hardest to get your head around when you start down the digital path is resolution. This confusion is compounded by the fact that there are two different kinds of resolution in the digital world. One is dots per inch, and the other...
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