Taking photographs of pets can sometimes be as challenging as shooting children to most people. They moved quickly in seconds and you'll never know what is their next move. But with a few simple tricks and camera settings to keep in mind, it's not impossible to capture amazing, professional looking photos of these important family members... worth hanging on the wall next to your family photo.

To help you take great pet photos, here are 8 Tips for Taking Stunning Photos of Cats:
1) BE IN A CLEAN & UNDISTRACTED SURROUNDINGIt is most recommended to have a less distractive background so you undistracted and easier to bring out the mood/ambience in the surrounding.

Yes, Every Cat have different characters and has their very own unique expression. Capture the Cat's personality.

Yes, Every Cat have different characters and has their very own unique expression. Capture the Cat's personality.

Understand cats, knowing their habits helps you in bringing out the natural beauty in them.
Understand cats, knowing their habits helps you in bringing out the natural beauty in them.

If you are not familiar with external flashes, we don't recommend you to use internal or direct flash. You might distract the Cat and scare them away.
If you are not familiar with external flashes, we don't recommend you to use internal or direct flash. You might distract the Cat and scare them away.

5) USE FAST SHUTTER & LARGE APERTUREYou might lost some of the good action shots if you miss out having good controls on your camera. Freeze that moment with fast shutter, and use depth of field to focus on the Cat to get extraordinary portrait of the Cat.

When you are down at their level, it's easier to compose the framing and convey the stories that you want the photo to carry with. That's what people always says, picture is worth a thousand words... however, sometimes depends on the angle too.

Be patient with them, respect them, play and get into their world. And you'll be able to capture the best out of them. Happy Cats! *Wink*Wink*
Be patient with them, respect them, play and get into their world. And you'll be able to capture the best out of them. Happy Cats! *Wink*Wink*
8) FOCUS POINT ON THEIR EYESLike any other portraits, we always need a texture to be focus on. Same for shooting Cats, the Eyes is the key to focus on.

What kind of camera do I need to shoot great portrait of Cats photos?
A: If it's not action shot, mobile phone cameras are good enough.
A: If it's not action shot, mobile phone cameras are good enough.
What do I need to have?
A: A cat & a camera
A: A cat & a camera

This Blogpost is written & copyrighted by Sgcloudproductions , Thank you for spending time reading our Blog!
This Blogpost is written & copyrighted by Sgcloudproductions , Thank you for spending time reading our Blog!